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Special Programs

Honors Program
Service-Learning Program

Honors Program

The Snow College Honors Program is an exciting educational opportunity available to students entering the college. Honors students are motivated learners who are curious and interested in intellectual and academic development. The Honors Program attempts to provide a deeper, more engaging experience in general education and not only welcomes students planning to complete the honors program, but also those who wish to take one or two honors classes simply for the honors experience. 

Snow College is known for the personal attention given to its students, and this is especially true in the Honors Program. Honors students work closely with their professors and even pursue individual research projects with faculty mentors. Also, honors classes are interactive, allowing students to read about, discuss, and explore significant human questions. A Snow College honors student may major in any of a number of fields, but he or she should enjoy engaged learning and have a curiosity about the world and how knowledge in different fields connects.

The Honors Program offers students a variety of benefits. Active honors students are eligible for early priority registration for classes each semester. Honors students are given opportunities to participate in out-of-classroom learning experiences as well as cultural and social events. Honors students also take classes with each other and form a social support system while receiving strong preparation to succeed in upper division classes at four-year schools. Transfer agreements may facilitate enrollment in an honors program at a university. Finally, a limited number of honors program scholarships are available for students.

Honors Program Recognition Award

To complete the program and have a permanent honors designation on the student’s transcript, a student must do the following:

  1. Complete the online application for the Snow College Honors Program available here and be accepted into the program.
  2. By taking Honors classes or through co-curricular points, earn 14 Honors Points for the two-year Honors Program option, or 11 Honors Points for the one-year option (for students who arrive on campus with 30+ credits).
  3. Complete the Honors section of GNST 1200 (Foundations) and HONR 2900 (Honors Capstone).
  4. As part of HONR 2900, complete an ePortfolio and a thesis or project.

For a complete list of honors courses and their availability, and for more information about earning Honors Points, consult the honors webpage:

Service-Learning Program

Snow’s Civic Service-Learning Program (SL) is designed to help students develop their critical thinking and leadership skills through intellectual, moral, and civic learning to create a rigorous and rewarding academic experience. Service-Learning enables students to take what they’re learning in the classroom and apply it through meaningful, hands-on projects that connect them with the community and help them prepare for professional and civic life beyond college.

Service-Learning designated courses are available across most majors at Snow, and there are various other SL opportunities available on and off campus, from Snow Service and other related clubs, to alternative spring break trips, to other co-curricular service-learning activities. These opportunities give students a chance to collaborate and connect with fellow students, and to work with community partners on projects that address real needs and problems in the local community and wider world.

Students who have participated in the program in the past have found that SL has helped them network to potential job opportunities, enhance their resumes with significant experiences, and interact network to potential job opportunities, enhance their resumes with significant experiences, and interact with their community and world through satisfying, meaningful work. One way that students can structure their SL experience at Snow is by pursuing the Service-Learning Scholars Recognition Award.

Service Learning Scholars Recognition Award

The Service Learning Scholars Recognition Award is designed for students interested in enhancing their educational experience through community service. Through the program, students address real community issues by providing service to and learning from people in Central Utah and beyond. Students will enhance their academic experience with the knowledge and awareness they gain through increased civic engagement. At the same time, they will be helping others and building personal character, becoming better members of society. Service Scholar Graduates must complete the following:

  • An integrated service project (ISP)
  • 150 service hours (100 from outside the ISP)
  • GNST 1100 (Intro to Civic Engagement & Service-Learning)
  • 8 credit hours of service learning courses (including GNST 1100)

Graduates from the program are recognized each year with the following:

  • Special recognition at the graduation ceremony
  • A certificate of achievement
  • A service learning distinction on their transcripts

For additional information or for a list of qualified service learning courses, please go to