Admissions Policy
Enrollment Deadline
Admission Procedures
Academic Preparation
Academic Assessment
International Student Admissions
Ephraim: West Campus
Phone: (800) 848-3399
Richfield: Sorensen Administration Building
Phone: (435) 893-2256
NOTE: Snow College’s admission policy is subject to change. The policy printed on the current Snow College Application for Admissions is always considered the most current.
Snow College is an open admission institution, committed to a policy of equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in educational services to our students, employees, and the public.
Snow College does not have an admissions deadline, but the enrollment deadline for Snow College is the first day of the semester for which a student is attending. This means that a student needs to be admitted by that date to enroll in classes. If a student is starting during a late starting or mid-semester class, the deadline is the first day those classes begin. To gain the advantage of early course registration, applicants are encouraged to submit their application for admission and all supporting documents as early as possible. Students seeking academic scholarship consideration must have their application for admission and all supporting documents postmarked on or before the scholarship deadline.
On rare occasions an exception to the enrollment deadline may be granted. To be eligible to apply for that exception and be considered for enrollment after the first day of the semester, a student must:
Exceptions to the deadline are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Factors such as past academic background, course availability, date of request and reason for the request will all be taken into consideration.
Admission Process
To be officially admitted to Snow College, all applicants must do the following:
(by Standard Mail) OR (by Email)
Admissions Office
Snow College, Box 1012
150 College Avenue
Ephraim, UT 84627
*College transcripts must be sent directly from the issuing institution to the receiving institution to be considered official.
Transcript Validity
If a student provides a transcript that appears to be from a non-accredited institution, the admissions office will contact the State Board of Education. Inquiries will be made to verify the validity of the institution and the transcript provided by the student. If the institution is non-accredited or unverifiable and the student cannot provide confirmable documentation, admittance to Snow College will be placed on hold or be denied.
Required Materials
NOTE: Upon high school graduation, high school seniors may submit official college transcript or technical education transcripts to Snow College, but these are not required for admission.
Students will be considered freshmen if they meet any of the following criteria:
Required Materials
NOTE: If more than a year has passed since high school graduation, students must provide official college transcripts from each institution attended, including technical education transcripts, to fulfill the admission requirements.
Students who have taken classes after high school graduation but have been absent from the college for two or more consecutive semesters will need to submit a readmit/returning application (e.g. attended Fall 2023 semester but did not return for Spring 2024 or Fall 2024 semester). The summer semester is not included in the two semesters.
Required Materials
Required Materials
If fewer than 20 transferable post-high school college credits have been earned, high school transcripts are necessary. Additionally, ACT or SAT scores may be submitted.
For detailed information on transfer credit requirements, refer to the Transfer Credit section in this catalog.
A student may attend Snow College prior to high school graduation if he or she meets the following conditions:
Any exceptions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and will require an interview. A student admitted under this option will be admitted for one semester at a time and will be allowed to continue only if he or she earns a semester grade point average of 2.00 (C) or higher.
Required Materials
Any student seeking enrollment in a program leading to a degree, diploma, or certificate at Snow College for credit must undergo the freshman admission process listed above and become a fully matriculated student. Non-degree seeking, non-credit, and other non-matriculated students are exempt from submitting transcripts or test scores for admission.
It’s important to note that students admitted as non-degree seeking or non-credit students are not eligible for federal financial aid. Should these students later decide to take courses for credit, they must provide transcripts and relevant test scores when applying for matriculated status.
A student who has not graduated from high school but whose graduating class has graduated must:
Any student seeking Federal Financial Aid, FAFSA, MUST have a high school diploma, or GED.
Transfer, advanced placement and concurrent enrollment credit should be submitted with an official transcript from the institution. We encourage students to provide these transcripts before registering for classes.
There is a $10 per credit fee for posting Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Military Training, CLEP, DSST and Foreign Language Credits.
See information on International Student Admissions.
Concurrent enrollment classes are college-level classes offered to high school students for both high school and college credit. Classes may be located on the high school or college campus, may be taught by high school teachers who have been approved for adjunct faculty status at the college or by college faculty members. A few online classes are offered for concurrent enrollment. Both vocational and general education classes may be offered for concurrent enrollment credit. Student eligibility requirements for Snow College Concurrent Enrollment are as follows:
Concurrent Enrollment Students will be automatically admitted as incoming Freshmen for the Fall semester following their High School graduation. If you are experiencing any complications with your acceptance to Snow College, please call (800) 848-3399.
Even though Snow College is an open admission institution, strong preparation is still recommended. Students with solid academic and study skills are more likely to succeed at Snow. Students are expected to have the reading, writing, and thinking skills necessary for college-level coursework.
Those who need remedial help should understand that Snow College does not have a developmental education program.
Assessment testing is recommended for new degree-seeking students for placement into courses. Students may meet this requirement by taking the ACT or SAT I test and having a copy sent to Snow College.
Any student wishing to have help with placement options should take a writing assessment exam in the Testing Center.
Snow College offers a variety of math classes to meet the needs of students who have different levels of math skills. The goal at Snow is to help students find the class that best meets their needs. Rather than a course that is too advanced, or a class that is too basic, students should be enrolled in a math course that best matches their skills. Mandatory placement in MATH 0700, 0800, and 1010 is based upon a student’s math ACT score.
To challenge this placement, students may contact the Academic Advising Office to schedule a time to use the ALEKS Assessment tool or a designated equivalent and talk with a faculty member about their placement.
Note: Prerequisite courses or test scores must be less than two years old. If Snow College does not have a record that a student has taken a math class, the ACT, or a placement test in the past two years, the student must (re)take the placement test to ensure placement in the appropriate math class.
Snow College’s commitment to its mission and goals requires conducting regular evaluations of progress in achieving those goals. A student enrolled at Snow College may be asked to participate in assessment by taking special tests, by allowing the college access to scores on nationally standardized examinations, by completing questionnaires and surveys, and by serving as members of focus groups or other discussion groups designed to obtain information.
Some assessment work requires statistical sampling of the student population, so it is important that students be willing to help with assessment when asked. Students should feel no reluctance about participating in assessment because any information obtained is used solely in the improvement of college instruction at the curricular or programmatic level and in ways that do not reflect individually on the student. The scores will not be part of any student’s official record.
Director: Becky Adams
Director of Global Learning: Alex Peterson
Head of International Student Services: Diana Montano
International Admissions Counselor: Nate Thomas
International Student Services Assistant: Nobue Swenson
Phone: (435) 283-7411
Students whose native language is not English may be admitted unconditionally to Snow College. In order to qualify for this track students must submit one of the following English Language Assessments:
After meeting these requirements, Track One students will be allowed to register as full-time academic students
Students whose native language is not English may be admitted conditionally to Snow College. In order to qualify for this track, students must meet the Snow College academic eligibility requirement, but do not need to submit a TOEFL score. Students in this track are admitted into the ESL program. Students whose English Placement Assessments are below the required scores are automatically admitted to this track, as well. All students in this track are given a placement exam prior to arrival at Snow College by the chair of the English as a Second Language (ESL) Dept.
After taking the Placement Exam, Track Two students are placed in one of four different levels. Students who earn a score of 88 or better on the placement exam will be admitted into regular academic courses and will need to take only ESL 1051 as a prerequisite for ENGL 1010. Students may challenge ESL 1051 by taking a written essay exam that is graded by three ESL faculty members. Students must pass this with an 85% or better by at least two of the three raters.
Students in the Snow College ESL program must pass all required ESL courses with a minimum grade of B (85%) or higher before exiting the program and matriculating as full-time academic students.
Students who do not pass all of the ESL coursework will be on a probationary status and monitored by the Center for Global Engagement staff until the exit requirement has been satisfied. The Center for Global Engagement acts as Primary Designated School Official for all SEVIS and immigration/status related matters. Any issues that affect the immigration status of an international student in the ESL program are subject to decision by the Center for Global Engagement.
Passing required ESL courses with a grade of B (3.0) or better satisfies the foreign language requirement for graduation from Snow College with the AA degree. Students entering on Track 1 also satisfy the foreign language requirement.
If students wish to enter academic programs directly, they should arrange to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) in their home countries and have the results sent to:
Snow College International Student Admissions
150 College Avenue
Ephraim, UT 84627 U.S.A.
For information concerning dates and location of the TOEFL exam in various countries, write to:
Princeton, New Jersey 08541‑6155 U.S.A.
Students who wish to apply to Snow College should access the application form at Once the application is submitted, student must provide the following documents:
The same procedure should be followed if students have completed any college or university work. The college or university transcript must be translated into English and reviewed by a credential evaluation service. The preferred service of Snow College is SpanTran
Students must come fully prepared to meet the necessary financial obligations for the full time they will be in the United States. It is estimated that each student will need at least $20,500* per academic year (9 months). This is exclusive of travel. Below are estimated costs:
Tuition and fees | 9 months | $14,900
Board and room | estimate | $4,000
Personal expenses | estimate | $1,800
Medical Insurance | estimate | $1,300
Total | $22,000*
* Plus transportation
* Cost may change
Presently, there are no loans available for international students. International students are eligible to apply for any academic and departmental scholarships or the International Student Endowment Scholarship which is offered to students who are fully matriculated and have completed one semester of study at Snow College. International Students on an F-1 visa may also find employment on campus at a minimum wage but may not work more than twenty (20) hours per week. Off‑campus work is not permitted for international students.
In order for international students to be admitted, they must make a statement concerning their financial intentions for the entire academic year.
Entry documents will be issued to students after students have received official acceptance.